Tsm for wow classic string
Tsm for wow classic string

Select "Show Available Clones" to view all existing characters.īURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_DEFAULT_CLONE_DATE You have the maximum number of characters allowed on this realm. You are activating a version of %1$s that was saved on %2$s.īURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_ACTIVATECHARACTER_CHARACTERLABEL You may activate them in Classic Era by purchasing a Character Clone service.īURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_ACTIVATECHARACTER_TOOLTIP_ACTIONīURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_ACTIVATECHARACTER_CONFIRM This character is activated in Burning Crusade.

tsm for wow classic string

%1$s will be locked to Classic Era.|n|nAfterwards, you'll have the option of activating %2$s in Burning Crusade as well for %3$s.īURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_CHOICE_BURNINGCRUSADE_DESCRIPTIONĮxit this game and select Burning Crusade from the App.īURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_CHOICE_CLASSIC_BUTTONīURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_CHOICE_BURNINGCRUSADE_BUTTONīURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_CHOICE_CONFIRMīURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_CHOICE_CONFIRM_TYPEīURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_ACTIVATECHARACTER_TOOLTIP_TITLEīURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_ACTIVATECHARACTER_TOOLTIP_DESCRIPTION I want to play this character in |cff1eff00Burning Crusade|rīURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_CHOICE_CLASSIC_DESCRIPTION I want to play this character in|n|cffffc437Classic Era|rīURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_CHOICE_BURNINGCRUSADE_TITLE |HurlIndex:43|h|cff006995Frequently Asked Questions|r|hīURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_CHOICE_CLASSIC_TITLE If you wish to clone your character and play in both versions, that service will be available for %s. These are all the new global strings in the WoW Classic PTR build.Ĭlassic will soon be split into separate games:|nBurning Crusade and Classic Era.|n|nWhen that happens, you'll choose which game your character will play on going forward. This could be a placeholder date, but it is exciting to know that this could be rather soon!

tsm for wow classic string


Tsm for wow classic string